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From John Freier
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(Sample Cypher)
Line 29: Line 29:
Find Node By Id
Find Node By Id
   MATCH (n:Label) WHERE Id(n) = 0 RETURN n;
   MATCH (n:Label) WHERE Id(n) = 0 RETURN n;
Update Nodes properties
  MATCH (n { name: 'John' }) SET n.surname = 'Doe' RETURN n
Delete Node by Id
Delete Node by Id
Line 46: Line 49:
   MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = 1  DETACH DELETE n
   MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = 1  DETACH DELETE n
Update Nodes properties
Delete a property from a node
   MATCH (n { name: 'John' }) SET n.surname = 'Doe' RETURN n
   MATCH (n:Node) WHERE id(n) = 0 REMOVE n.oldProperty RETURN n;
Add/Remove label from node
Add/Remove label from node

Revision as of 11:03, 6 June 2017


Start Up

 bin/neo4j start

as a script

 bin/neo4j $1

For development use these items may want to be turned off,

 SSL - ./conf/neo4j-server.properties ~ org.neo4j.server.webserver.https.enabled - PORT: 7473
 Online Backup -  ./conf/neo4j.properties ~ online_backup_enabled - PORT: 6362

Sample Cypher

Create Node

 CREATE (n:Label {property:'value'}) return n;

Create Node with multiple labels

 CREATE (n:Label1:Label2 {property:'value'}) return n;

Create a Relationship

 MATCH (n1:Node), (n2:Node) CREATE (n1)-[r:RELATIONSHIP]->(n2); <-- Not sure this is correct.
 MATCH (n1:Node), (n2:Node) MERGE (n1)-[r:RELATIONSHIP]->(n2); <-- This I believe should be used.
 CREATE (n1:Node)-[r:RELATIONSHIP]-(n2:Node) return n1, n2;

Find Node By Id

 MATCH (n:Label) WHERE Id(n) = 0 RETURN n;

Update Nodes properties

 MATCH (n { name: 'John' }) SET n.surname = 'Doe' RETURN n

Delete Node by Id

 MATCH (n:Node) WHERE Id(n) = 0 DELETE n;

Delete Relationship

 MATCH (n:Node)-[r:Relationship]-(n:Node) DELETE r;

Delete All Nodes and Relationships pre 2.3.0

 MATCH (n) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]-() DELETE n,r;

2.3.0 +


Delete a node and all relationships attached.


Delete a property from a node

 MATCH (n:Node) WHERE id(n) = 0 REMOVE n.oldProperty RETURN n;

Add/Remove label from node

 MATCH (n) WHERE ID(n) = 1 REMOVE n:Lable1 SET n:Label2

Neo4J Export

Export database as Cypher

 bin/neo4j-shell -c dump > ./filename.cypher

Import database as Cypher

 bin/neo4j-shell -file ./filename.cypher

Execute database statement

 bin/neo4j-shell -c "MATCH (n) OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]-() DELETE n,r;"