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   minikube dashboard
   minikube dashboard
== Ingress ==
You need to enable ingress.
  minikube addons enable ingress

Revision as of 14:45, 12 April 2022

Minikube is an application that sets up a local single node Kubernetes cluster.

Start Minikube

 minikube start

Stop Minikube

 minikube stop

Clean up Minikube

 minikube delete

Pull Local Images

Pull images from localhost podman

 eval $(minikube podman-env)

Pull images from localhost Docker

 eval $(minikube docker-env)

Also we need to set the ImagePullPolicy to Never in order to use local docker images.

To get an image inside minikube.

 minikube cache add [image-name]:[tag]

or this might work, haven't tried yet.

 minikube image load my_image


This starts up a dashboard to show all the different items.

 minikube dashboard


You need to enable ingress.

 minikube addons enable ingress