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From John Freier
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Open a tunnel to a pod
Open a tunnel to a pod
   oc port-forward $TEST_DATABASE_POD_NAME 5432 > port-forward.log &
   oc port-forward $POD_NAME 5432 > port-forward.log &

Latest revision as of 10:26, 19 January 2023

RedHat OpenShift

OpenShift CLI - OC

Switch Projects.

 oc project ${project_name}

This will process a Kubernetes template with a param file.

 oc process -f templates/template.yaml --param-file=parameters/dev.yaml --ignore-unknown-parameters=true | oc apply -f-

After applying a deployment you need to restart the OpenShift containers.

 oc rollout resume deployment/${deployment_name}

Scale deployment to 0

 oc get deployment -o name # Get the deployment names
 oc scale --replicas=0 [deployment_name]
 oc scale --replicas=0 deployment.apps/test-deployment

Get all events

 oc get events

Get all pods

 oc get pods

Connect to pod - terminal

 oc rsh {pod}

Open a tunnel to a pod

 oc port-forward $POD_NAME 5432 > port-forward.log &