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From John Freier
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This will print all commands that are ran.
This will print all commands that are ran.
   set -x
   set -x
== To set the CD Path ==

Revision as of 11:27, 21 February 2023

Keyboard Shortcuts

To send the current line to VIM for editing.

 ctrl+x ctrl+e

One line conditional

Both the following lines will write to the screen "false"

 [[ 1 == 0 ]] || echo "text"
 [[ 1 == 1 ]] && echo "text"

Check for environment variable

This will check to see if an variable is set

 if [[ -z "$var" ]]; then
   echo "var is not set"

Change the command prompt.

To change the command prompt, export the below value.

 export PS1=">"


 export PS1="${ret_status} %{$fg[cyan]%}%c%{$reset_color%} $(git_prompt_info)"


To find the command associated with an alias.

 type [alias_name]

To list all aliases, just type 'alias'.


To create an alias.

 alias myproject='cd /Users/jfreier/Projects/my_project'

Edit in VIM

To bring a command line in to VIM for editing

 ctrl+x ctrl+e

Echo commands

This will print all commands that are ran.

 set -x

To set the CD Path