Plsql variables
From John Freier
When declaring variables you must also specify the block where the variables are going to be used.
- attrId = Variable name
- ':=' = Sets the variable to a value
DECLARE attrId number; BEGIN attId:= seq_attr.nextval; dbms_output.put_line (attId); END;
Collections are more of an array then a TABLE. In the example below MyListType is just the name of the array type and it is declared to the variable myList.
myList.FIRST = The first option in the list, example 'option1'
myList.LAST = The last option in the list, example 'option3'
x = The index in the array.
DECLARE TYPE MyListType IS TABLE OF VARCHAR(21); myList MyListType := MyListType('option1', 'option2', 'option3'); BEGIN FOR x IN myList.FIRST .. myList.LAST LOOP dbms_output.put_line('MyList:' || myList(x)); END LOOP; END;