
From John Freier
Revision as of 08:29, 8 April 2022 by Jfreier (Talk | contribs)

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List Images

 podman images

Pull an image

 podman pull docker.io/library/httpd

Run an image

 podman run -dt -p 8080:80/tcp docker.io/library/httpd

List running images

 podman ps -a

Remove Image

 podman rmi {image_sha}

Load an Image

 cat cs-oci.tar | podman load
 Did not work.
 podman load oci-archive:cs-oci.tar:latest

Update the tag for an image

 podman tag e7b8dd57dec6 cs:latest


List all containers

 podman ps -a

Remove Container

 podman rm ff22b3bfecc1


Create a pod

 podman pod create --name mypod

List pods

 podman pod list

Start pod

 podman pod start {podname}

Stop pod

 podman pod stop {podname}

List all processes with pods

 podman ps -a --pod


Volume in Podman can be a virtual volume that is mounted through Podman. This virtual volume can be exported or imported as well.

You can also setup to point to a local host directory but because Podman is rootless Podman will need access to the directory, by either permissions on the directory or the user that runs the container from Podman.

Create Virtual Volume

 podman volume create myvolume

Export Virtual Volume

 podman volume export myvolume --output myvolume.tar


View Logs

 podman logs ff22b3bfecc1

Stop the latest container

 podman stop ff22b3bfecc1


Generate kubernetes yaml

 podman generate kube -f infra.yaml mypod

Load kubernetes yaml

 podman play kube infra.yaml


Example run MongoDB

 podman run \ 
   --detach \ 
   --publish 27017:27017 \
   --userns=keep-id \ 
   --volume ./mongo-data:/data/db \ 
   --name some-mongo \ 
 # --detach, -d - Detached mode: run the container in the background and print the new container ID. The default is false
 # --publish, -p - Publish a container’s port, or range of ports, to the host.
 # --userns - Because podman runs rootless we need to assign a user that can access the local volumn.  This sets the podman user to the same user who ran the podman command.
 # --volume, -v - Create a bind mount.
 # --name - Assign a name to the container.

Example running with pods This is a test to see how apps can talk between each other in a podman network within a pod.

Create the pod

 podman pod create --userns=keep-id --publish 8080:8080 --name mypod
 podman run --detach --volume ./mongo-data:/data/db --pod mypod --name some-mongo mongo:4.4.13
 podman run --detach --pod mypod --name myapp -e SPRING_DATA_MONGODB_HOST="localhost" -e CS_DATABASE_MONGODB_EMBEDED_ENABLED="false" e7b8dd57dec6
 Not used - only for debug
 podman run -it --pod mypod --name myapp --volume ./config:/config --entrypoint "/bin/sh" e7b8dd57dec6