When you are on a branch, you get
git rebase master
You will get conflicts with the remote origin if you try and push. Here are some ways to solve this.
This will force the remote origin to stay up to date with your branch. But be aware, if there are more people working on the feature branch then just you, you may overwrite code.
git push --force origin feature_branch
With force with lease, git will warn you if anyone else has committed any code, this helps to prevent overwriting someones code.
git push --force-with-lease
Another good option after rebase with master is to just delete the branch on the remote origin, and then recreate it.
git checkout myFeature git rebase master git push origin --delete myFeature git push origin myFeature
Squash feature branch
This squashes all the commits in to one.
git merge --squash feature
and then you need to commit the new squashed changes.
get commit -m "squashed changes merged in."
Squash Commits
This squashes the last 3 commits.
git reset --soft HEAD~3 git commit -m 'new commit message'
View the logs
A another way to view the logs.
git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all
Add all untracked changes.
Here is a couple of commands to help with backing things up. This will add all untracked changes for a file type.
git ls-files --other | grep ".md" | xargs git add
This will add all tracked changes for a file type.
git ls-files | grep ".md" | xargs git add
== Sign with GPG
List your keys
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long
Update git to use a specific key.
git config --global user.signingkey 3AA5C34371567BD2
Sign all commits by default.
git config --global commit.gpgsign true