From John Freier
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Syntax Highlighting

Inside VI type the command below.

:syntax on


:syn on

Bottom Page

This goes to the bottom of the page.



To bookmark a position press m and then a letter. Use capital letter for Global or multiple files.


To go to the bookmark press ` and then letter marking you want to go to.


To see all your bookmarks.


To to last edit location.



To record a set of keys press q and then a letter to record to.


To play back the recording press @ and then letter marking you want to play back.


Copy & Paste

To yank to a registered key

 " + {key} + y

To paste from a registered key.

" + {key} + p


Switch between windows. The arrow key or direction key you want to go to.

 ctrl+w {arrow key} or {h,j,k,l}

Opens a new vertical split

 CTRL+w, v

Opens a new horizontal split

 CTRL+w, s

Closes a window but keeps the buffer

 CTRL+w, c

Closes other windows, keeps the active window only

 CTRL+w, o

Moves the current window to the right

 CTRL+w, r

Makes all splits equal size

 CTRL+w, =

Show Whitespace

This will show all whitespace char

 set list

You can also show only select char.

 :set listchars=eol:$,tab:>-,trail:~


To turn spell checker on.

 :set spell spelllang=en_us

To turn spell checker off.

 :set nospell

To move between misspelled words.

 ]s and [s

To get misspelled recommendations, move in misspelled word and press.


To add word to dictionary.


To mark a word as incorrect



This autocomplete tries to match word already in the document.

 ctl+n or ctl+p


Open as a left window.

 :Lexplore or :Lex

Open as a new tab.

 :tabe .

Open file in new tab when in Netrw.


Create new file.


Create new directory.


Delete file or directory.



You can open a new terminal by typing.


You can enter `normal` mode.

 ctrl-\ ctrl-n

Exit terminal mode


Pipe in data from console

To pipe in data from the command line use the following



If you in the terminal and want the output to go into vim.

 ls | vim -

Column Editing

Column editing is editing a bunch of lines at once.

 ctrl-v - start highlight of columns.
 h,j,k,l - to select the columns and/or rows
 shift-i - to go to insert mode.

Highlight blocks

To quick highlight blocks of code with in { or [

Move the curser inside the block, and type the following.




Edit in VIM

To bring a command line in to VIM for editing

 ctrl+x ctrl+e

Switch bash to use VIM

This will allow the terminal to use vim keys.

 set -o vi


The following key combinations will show the diff between two copied registries.

 :tabnew // Create a new tab.
 " -> a -> p  // Paste the text from registry 'a'
 leftabove vnew diff1.  // create a side window called diff1
 ctr+w ->>  // switch windows
 " -> b -> p // paste the text from registry 'b'
 ctr+w <<-  // Switch windows again
 :diffthis  // diff the two windows


List all buffers


Open a buffer

 :buffer {number from above}

Open a buffer in a new tab

 :tab sb {number from above}